
Cub Scouts is a program within the Boy Scouts of America organization that serves youth from from 6 to 11 years old. The Cub Scouts program aims to prepare youth to grow into self-reliant and dependable adults. Cub Scouts achieve this with a lineup of hands-on activities and adventures focused on:

  • Spiritual Growth

  • Character Development

  • Good Citizenship

  • Sportsmanship and Fitness

  • Family Understanding

  • Respectful Relationships

  • Personal Achievement

  • Friendly Service

  • Fun and Adventure

  • Preparation for Scouts BSA

Cubs meet in dens sorted by grade usually on an every other week basis. All Cubs also participate in the pack events together. Adult leaders are ALL VOLUNTEERS and have had a background check and completed a certified youth protection safety training. We are part of the Abraham Lincoln Council which is a regional district within BSA staffed by full time professionals. The council will also host district events and summer camps.

BSA is a 110 year old organization and Blessed Sacrament Church has had this charted unit since 1945! The programming is family and faith centered. Siblings are welcome to participate in pack events. Spiritual discussions will be from the perspective of the Catholic faith. Additional patches and adventures can be earned through the National Catholic Committee on Scouting.

In this digital age communication should be a breeze. BSA has created “Scoutbook” which is a central platform for us. However, it’s been acknowledged that Scoutbook is not intuitive for many users and the email reminders generated end up in most member’s junk mail. Scoutbook will remain the main hub for our event calendar and activity tracking but I will also be using a new gmail account for reminders and personal messages. We have a private Facebook group to share pictures and reminders as well. Also, please be mindful about being responsive. Our volunteer leaders struggle with knowing if all families received den meeting information. You can reply to their emails or mark your RSVP in Scoutbook.

Dens meet by rank through the year to work on the required adventures (outlined in the handbook) to earn their rank emblem. They may find time to work on electives together as well. Naturally, with 110 years of development, the Cub Scout organization is very rich in guided programming. An individual scout (family) can choose to participate and advance in achievements at the pace they are willing and able to invest in. Many of our Cubs commit to other organizations and activities. If they are not able to complete activities with the den, they can do them on their own. Simply let the Den Leader know whats been accomplished on your own so it can be recorded and awarded.

Parent involvement and group participation is what allows Cub Scouting to facilitate meaningful and lasting memories. It is truly a family effort and can be so rewarding when time and energy are dedicated for it.

For More about Cub Scouting from BSA