Hiking Club

Webelos at Lewis Memorial Acres

A Wolf Scout at Sangchris Lake State Park

Lake Springfield from Lincoln Memorial Trails

Cub Scouts Hiking Six Essentials

Hiking Medallions can be earned

Pack 31 Hiking Club

Do you want to explore the world around you, use a map, or read a compass? Or perhaps you've never hiked before or don't have many opportunities to explore the outdoors? If you want to join in on some fun, then the Pack 31 Hiking Program is for you!

As scouts begin hiking and start learning the Outdoor Code, the guidelines for Leave No Trace, how to use a map and compass, the history of the local parks they’ll be in, and undertaking a study of the nature all around, they will be earning mile credits for every mile hiked. The goal is to have fun while hiking. And, to enhance this experience, scouts will be able to earn the symbol of the Hiking Program, the Hiking Staff, as well as other rewards pertaining to hiking participation and milestones.


  • Know Before You Go

  • Choose The Right Path

  • Trash Your Trash

  • Leave What You Find

  • Be Careful With Fire

  • Respect Wildlife

  • Be Kind To Other Visitors


  • All scouts from any dens on any hike, with or without their den-leaders

  • Parental participation not required, unless your scout is a Lion or Tiger

  • Siblings, friends and neighbors, but not without parent

  • The only requirement is to follow our pack’s Rules of Hiking.


  • Once a month

  • Weekends or holidays

  • No regularly set time or date

  • Flexible and meant to accommodate scouts with pre-existing weekend schedules

  • Weather-dependant so changes on short notice should be expected

  • Will never overlap with other Pack activities.


  • Local parks within Springfield

  • Variety of hiking perspectives: early American & Civil War history, wildlife, bird-watching,

  • plant & aquatic-life, geology, geo-caching, orienteering, scenic and high vistas

  • No separate meetings other than the actual hike.


  • Hike distance and list of participants will be reported by hike leader

  • Hiking Program Manager will approve log miles for each scout

  • Detailed log miles for every scout will be available at Pack Meetings

  • Awards-based program for # of hikes and recorded miles

  • Most awards handed out after each hike, with progress announced at pack meetings.


Hiking Staff

The Pack Hiking Staff is given to every new registered Cub Scout. Make the staff your own by painting or staining it at home. This staff is meant to be along with you through your whole scouting journey.

Rank Shield

If Scouts or Leaders attend at least 50% of the Pack Hikes for the year (from June for returning members and from September for new pack 38 members), they are eligible to be awarded the Staff Shield for their rank.


  1. Hike lengths typically range 2 – 4 miles and must be at least 1 mile.

  2. Miles should be hiked in 'natural' settings (parades in which the Pack participates is an exception to this rule). Leaders will take care of recording miles for hikes with the Pack or individual Dens.

  3. If scouts hike with their families, they can receive credit for those miles if their parent fills out the Pack 38 Hiking Mileage Report. Please note that the rules listed on the form must be adhered to for the scout to receive credit.

  4. All hikes will depart from the meeting location as scheduled.

  5. We hike as a unit. We start together, break together, etc., with everyone following the same trail. (Scouts may return early with their parent if needed for scheduling or for younger scouts on longer hikes)

  6. Siblings may participate. It is up to the parent-guardian to decide if younger children can maintain a consistent pace and are capable of hiking the designated distance. Only registered Pack 31 Scouts and Leaders will receive hiking awards.

  7. We may allow an older Scout to “Lead”. We will usually work in map reading and use of a compass with them, where we have a route that can be read. It’s up to the scout to determine which fork to take to stay on the designated route, or if a new trail needs to be transitioned; they will however, have their decision confirmed by a leader.

  8. Approval for any non-nature hike should be obtained prior to reporting for such an event.

  9. All mileage that is earned on den and pack hikes must be recorded by the hike leader to receive credit.

  10. Mileage (and not number of hikes) earned outside of Pack and Den hikes must be certified by a parent or guardian.


Scouts can choose between their class A & B shirts or you may wear your neckerchief. It’s good to be identified as a scout.

Dressing in layers is always a good idea.

During the winter, hats, scarves, gloves/mittens, coats & boots should be worn.

Consider your needs for sun protection using hats, clothing, or lotions in the winter as well as the summer.

Consider keeping a rain poncho with you. If it rains you have it, if it doesn’t it makes a good sun shelter.

Hats provide protection from the weather. (Rank hats are optional.)

Wear comfortable shoes, preferably hiking shoes with appropriate socks.


Each Cub Scout should carry the Six Essentials in his personal gear when going on hikes or campouts. A small fanny pack or light back pack can be used to organize the items and make them easy to carry. These items are not intended for play and should be used only when needed.

  • Water bottle—filled and large enough to last until it can be filled again

  • Trail food—easy to carry, easy to eat, easy to clean up

  • Sun protection—hats and clothing and/or sunscreen

  • First-aid kit—adhesive bandages, moleskin, gauze, antibiotic ointment, etc.

  • Flashlight—for emergency use only

  • Whistle—for emergency use only

Scouts will be responsible for carrying their own gear – so keep it light!

On warmer weather hikes, a small water bottle is not enough for even the smallest scout so please be sure that the scout and parent-guardian have plenty of fluids.

Don’t forget insect repellent!

Bear and Webelos Scouts may bring their pocket knife but should present their knife and Whittling Chip to the hike leader at arrival and gathering.